He doesn’t want to see me?


So my boyfriend of just over 2 years has just messaged me saying he doesn’t want to see me on Valentine’s. Now, to begin we don’t have a perfect relationship so I think that this is bothering me maybe more than it should (but that’s what I’m here for!!) I’ve been so excited to spend valentines with him since I’ve never spent it with anyone and last year while we were dating I was away for school so we saw each other the following week when I was home, which wasn’t a problem! But I’m home now and was so excited planning asking him what he wants and how happy I am to be with him and tonight I just got a text saying he doesn’t plan on seeing me until the weekend .... I wouldn’t mind AT ALL if he had other plans already or work etc... but he has nothing else. No other plans. Just simply doesn’t care enough to see me. after I tell him I’m upset and hope he isn’t serious he continues with “Your so annoying with that stupid shit” I explained that I don’t care what we do we can stay in and lay in bed for all I care it’s just about BEING WITH THE PERSON YOU LOVE. I just feel hurt that it is so clear to me that I am not a priority in his mind at all. And even if he thinks the day is “stupid” his girlfriend cares, so shouldn’t he want to? I just need some advice on how to react to this. I’m currently feeling really upset and pretty worthless right now to be honest.