No more! No more!!!


I went to the ER yesterday because I had spotting after sex. The first thing that came to mind was, "oh gosh I'm having a miscarriage again." I bought more first response tests. I pee on tests every single day like a maniac. Even though my hcg is over 5000 and increases (triples every two days). The doctor and nurse fussed àt me (I work with these people). I went last week to the ER as well. She said that I'm not even allowing myself to enjoy my pregnancy. God will take care of me either way. My doctor said "Crystal you're pregnant, YOU ARE PREGNANT, stop peeing on tests everyday and paying attention to every little thing. And if you were to miscarry, what would that change? You have to stop doing this to your self! You are stressing you out and your baby for nothing! I think that you know you're ok, you came here because I can tell you needed reassuring that you are pregnant. Do you want to see you baby so you can calm down? geesh! You are stressing me out too lol!" He did a quick ultrasound and we saw our little pea (that's what Baby Linares looked like. Then he made the nurse bring me a full tray of food (that was weird, I didn't know they serve food in the ER). It was so bad, the nurse ran outside behind me when I got discharged to hug me and give me encouragement. I'm saying all of this to say this... Ladies, I know some of us have experienced a miscarriage, and some of you didn't. Pregnancy is natural. It's something wonderful that God has blessed us with, reproducing humans. God will not give us more than we could bear. Allow His will to be done in our lives, not our own. The enemy will play with your mind, make you miserable and think that something is wrong with us and make us worry ourselves sick. Trust me, I know. I'm the queen of worry and anxiety. Right after we made it home, I opened the mailbox to a letter stating that someone wants to garnish my paycheck because of an unpaid balance. Here we are, two wonderful people, trying to help everyone, newlyweds, baby on the way, husband only working one/two days a week, just trying to make it. Yes he is busy you see? Just another thing to stress about. But I have faith in God and we trust that He won't fail us and we will overcome. We will have this baby, we will be blessed, we will conquer, and we will not give our energy to negative thoughts, people and situations. Praying for a happy, healthy, and successful pregnancy for all of you. I send my love to you and prayers. Relax and allow God to be in control. Take care of yourself Mama's. God bless