Finally BFP!!!!


Finally got my BFP!!!!

I was feeling strange for about 6 days before AF was due. One the first day due she didn’t rear her ugly head lol. Second days late I decided to take a test, I was uneasy to take one as I didn’t want to get disappointed yet again. But this is what I received!!!! 😊😊😊

My last MC stared January 1st, which was super super light and lasted 5 days. I went to the doctor on Friday and had a blood test done which I get the results tomorrow (Monday). I’ve been so anxious and nervous this whole weekend this waiting is killing me!!!! COME ON TOMORROW!!!!

I’ve been having slight dull aching in my lower belly and hip area for 2 weeks now. And I still feel like AF is going to show up anytime now. My boobs feel like bricks when I take my bra off as well. But other then those two symptoms I have been peeing a lot and extremely exhausted. Anyone else have these kinda symptoms early on?

BTW, I’m 37 this would be my first baby. So 🤞🤞🤞🤞 crossed to you all. Baby dust as well. 🤰🤱🍼.