Gross smelling gassy baby


My 1 month old is formula fed. She’s been on Similac soy isomil for 2+ weeks now. Prior to that she was on emfamil pro soybee. We had to make the switch due to WIC restrictions. Anyway, after the switch she was totally fine up until the beginning of last week when she started getting really bad gas. She can clear a room with it. Also her bowel movements slowed down. She would have one a day, sometimes every other day, but now she’s only had 2 bowel movements in about 9 days and when she has, they’re very runny, dark green and smell like .. burnt. Then she’s back to being disgustingly gassy. She’s not uncomfortable by the gas, she’s eating well, etc .. but obviously something is up. I’m not sure if it’s the formula since she was fine with it for awhile there. I give her gripe water sometimes but I’m not sure what it’s supposed to do since she’s still gassier than holy hell. Help! She reeks lol.


Would it be worth it to try probiotics?