Don’t ever give up!


Ladies, we have tried to get pregnant since Sept of 2010. I have shed many tears, and have been angry so many times with God. I have watched this person and that person get pregnant and wonder, when will my time come, if ever! I have been angry with God to many times to count, and wondered why he didn’t he see fit to bless me. I finally had it with God, asked him what I ever did to deserve this? After a few weeks, I got over my self pity and begin to put my faith in God. I finally said, God if it’s not meant to be, then help me accept that, and I will move on. Things have been quiet, still prayed to God every day never getting peace about not being able to be a mother. I missed my period and didn’t think anything of it. I have missed so many before, and this was nothing new. The only thing different this time was I kept smelling dirty feet and craved hamburgers. I hate hamburgers lol. Everything I ate tasted like soap. I finally gave in knowing this test would be negative and once again be heart broken and angry. Well God had other plans! We grow up planning our whole life, and God giggles. This was definitely his perfect timing, and I still can’t believe it. Don’t ever give up! I never thought this day would come, but here we are, 8 years and 5 months later. I pray for every one of you that is going through heart ache right now. Don’t give up, and continue to put faith in God. Here’s hope and love to you all! May God answer your prayers! ❤️🙏🏻