Not happy in my relationship

I feel heartbroken. I'm not happy in my relationship and i HONESTLY don't know why. Nothing is "wrong" we haven't gotten in fights or anything like that. We bicker back and worth at home over small stuff sometimes but we don't fight. Petty stuff like "can you put your clothes in the hamper and not on the floor" or me getting annoyed for 10 seconds because he didn't put a roll of TP back in the bathroom, but we don't "fight" (btw we live together for 2 years now, been together for 4)

I'm not sure if it's me who is depressed, and it's coming out on my boyfriend because he's really the only person i have interaction with. I work from home and i literally don't have one girlfriend so he's the only person i see day in and day out. I get lonely during the days when it's just me at home and sometimes i fall into a state where i just cry because i don't even have one Friend to text with or call just to talk. And then when my boyfriend gets home i find myself feeling annoyed with him. I don't take it out on him because he hasn't done anything wrong but on the inside i feel so annoyed by him.

It hurts me so much because he is so good to me so why do i feel like i don't want to be around him? Yet when he's gone i ONLY want him. What's wrong with me? Our sex life isn't too crazy. We have sex 3-4 a month, maybe we need to be more intimate? I feel like we lack the romantic part of the relationship and the intimate part. I feel like I'm living with a friend (i guess it's a good thing but not at the same time)

We are moving to another state in 2 months and everything we've worked so hard for will finally pay off....but i want to fix how i feel first. I don't know how to talk to him because i feel like "I'm not happy in this relationship" is too far of a jump. I think it's ME that I'm unhappy with, I'm just so confused!!!! I'm sorry

:( I'm ranting but i don't know exactly how i feel so idk what questions to ask. Ugh i just need advice how to talk to him or figure out what is really bothering me