Neighborhood kids and playing outside.

Allison • Married to the love of my life 💍 expecting a sweet girl March 2019🎀

Ugh idk how to title this but I’m interested in what opinions everyone has lol

My sister and brother in law live about 15 minutes from us. They live directly across from a high school and on a busy but friendly street. My nephew is five and my niece is two. So when they go outside to play my sister or my brother in law obviously go with them. Probably always will even when they’re older because you just never can be too safe.

Their neighbors on both sides have children close in age to my niece and nephew. One neighbor if they see the kids and brother in law outside will also bring their kids out and stay out and watch all five kids w my brother in law or my sister for the entire time everyone is outside. Basically letting the kids play together but not leaving them unattended.

Their other neighbor only has one kid. A boy my nephews age. Who is relatively mean to all the kids when playing together. (Hits. Kicks. Calls names. Pushes the babies down etc) At first they would come out and watch the kids play. (Maybe two times) but now they just send their kid outside ANY time they see nephew and niece outside. Even if they aren’t playing. Ex getting home from daycare/preschool. Or waiting at the car to leave to go down the road or whatever.

One day a few weeks ago my sister was getting the kids out of the car when neighbor two opens her door and just kinda shouts at my sister “send him back over after they eat dinner”! And goes back in and shuts the door to her house. Leaving her son outside. My sister while close to neighbor one is no where NEAR close to neighbor two. They have only lived there a few months and there’s just something off putting about them. My sister doesn’t have a mean bone in her body so she let the kids play until my nephew asked to go inside bc the kid was being mean. At which point she told the little boy to head home and they would play again another day.

Y’all the kids parents got mad at my sister! After getting the kids inside she had to run back to the car and grab something and the mom and dad just happened to be outside smoking. Making comments like “I guess he’s not good enough to play w THOSE kids.” Or “I can’t believe she didn’t even feed him dinner” things like that

My sister lets him play all the time even tho he’s mean and she’s constantly having to tell him to play nice etc. she’s fed him. She’s given snacks to all the kids when they play. Including neighbor ones kids. That’s snacks for six kids. It’s not like she doesn’t treat him like she does everyone else. He isn’t singled out.

This has happened multiple times in the last two out so weeks. They don’t know what to do or how to go about speaking to the parents.

If this was you. Would you find it bothersome that the neighbor is being inconsiderate and basically using you as a babysitting service and expecting you to just watch their child who is a mean kid even when you had no intentions of being outside for more than a few minutes?

Or would you suck it up and let him play? And just pray it stops or whatever ?

What would you guys do?