Smoking anything while breastfeeding

Girl mommy💘 • O1.16.19 my hunniebunnie arrived 💖

What are you guys opinions on smoking cigarettes and or weed while breastfeeding? Not heavily or daily.

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I think you shouldn't do either at all heavily daily occasionally any of it


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I was prescribed marijuana while breastfeeding because I refused to take Xanax ... so I’m for it. But I would be weary of weed you just buy off your random dealer because even they don’t know where/who/what they are getting.


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None at all. Being around smokers has been linked to SIDS.


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If you smoke cigarettes, do it immediately after baby nurses. It takes 90 minutes for half of the nicotine to exit your milk. So three hours is good. How old is the baby? If baby can go three hours between feedings, that’s best. Everything I’ve researched says it’s better to breastfeed and smoke, than not breastfeed.


•K• • Feb 11, 2019
The more time you can put between smoking and nursing, the better. But, like I said, studies indicate it’s better to breastfeed and smoke than to stop breastfeeding. Big hugs to you!


•K• • Feb 11, 2019
She’ll be fine. Don’t beat yourself up.


Girl mommy💘 • Feb 11, 2019
Yes. Baby is 3weeks almost 4. I do not heavily smoke, I don’t really smoke a lot at all. But just scared because the other night I smoked a cigarette and had to feed her right after, but I can’t find any info on what happens to baby right after smoking a cigarette then feeding.


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Smoking cigarettes while breastfeeding is still better than formula feeding. I'm not sure on weed.