Advice 😕& sorry it’s so long 😅

A little backstory for this.. so I’ve liked a guy for like 9 months & when I first realized it, my friends would tell me he did to. We started talking & he basically told me he wasn’t ready for a relationship. This was in June & in October he started dating my coworker. I was hurt because they both knew how much I liked him. But then he went thru a rough time with drugs & depression so they broke up (only lasted 2 months). He’s changed drastically since October & now my friend & coworkers tell me he wants to ask me on a date. Says the girl from before was a mistake & that he should’ve listened to everyone about me. Everyone I talk to makes me feel stupid for not getting over him, especially since he hurt me before. But I just can’t get over him. I don’t know what to do because I know he isn’t ready to be with someone, he’s still recovering.

On a different note, & I say this in a joking matter, maybe i should just have sex with him 🤔? Lol

We’ve been hanging out more lately & he’s so different with me now. More touchy & our eye contact makes me feel something..

I wish I knew what to do, what would you do in this case?