Primrose oil capsules safe to help cervics dilate?

NachoMama • Married 9.1.18💍 Eleanor and Jillian's Mom 2.28.19❤ 6.4.20❤️

I'm 37+4 weeks pregnant with my first.

Everything I've read to use to naturally help my cervics dilate takes a minimum of 2-3 weeks to build up in your system.

So I've been trying to do a few things. I've been drinking raspberry leaf tea for about a week now. Just started with pineapple juice. 🤢

Last doctors appointment showed no improvement. I have another on Wednesday but I haven't had any increase in discharge or chunks or anything come out so I believe it's safe to say that again nothing has changed. Which is fine. I'd like to keep baby in until 39/40 weeks. Im just so uncomfortable already that I'll take any help I can to hopefully make sure thats as long as it goes and I won't have to be induced.

So my question is... Are primrose oil capsules safe? I know caster oil can cause baby to poop in utero and cause a lot of other issues. From all the reading I've done on primrose oil, there's no consequences like that...?

Are there ANY negative side effects from primrose oil capsules? Because nothing is worth the safety of my baby so I won't take them if there's something I haven't found...

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