Over emotional day


Comment your fur babies (and human babies if you already have some) I need cute happy things in my life today 🤦🏼‍♀️I’m so hormonal it’s insane 😂

Here are all of my babies. This is Roo, she’s 2 now but this is my all time favorite picture of her

This is chandler, he’s got the most personality I’ve ever seen a cat have 😂

This is Joey, he’s a cuddle bug like no other♥️

This is my sweetheart lilo, she’s actually the sweetest baby ever but keeps to herself mostly

And this is mia, she’s my trash gremlin (literally) and is the asshole of the group 😂

Edit: I don’t know why some of the pictures freaked out but it won’t let me fix it sooo here we go😂🤦🏼‍♀️