My sister in law!! 😡

My sister in law is a total bitch...!

So my husband was married before, anyway my SIL is so pro ex-wife. She’s rude in replying to any messages I send her. At our wedding she never congratulated us, she never never said a word that I looked pretty. Anything.

She didn’t even give us a card! We don’t need money could care less about money but you can’t even say congrats in a card. Mind we paid 1400 for their hotel room plus 290 a person at the wedding!! My Brother in law at least took photos with us/ was excited.

The thing is she’s never even taken time to get to know me! I feel like she judges me because I don’t have a good relationship with my mom

I texted her last night because we are having an 8th grade graduation/ confirmation party for our daughter and their son graduates HS this year. I wanted to make sure we didn’t plan on the same day for the whole family. And here reply was “if we can’t make it to the one you guys are having we will definitely be at the one ex wife is having! So schedule when ever! Like this bitch. Like your gonna skip a party with all extended family and everything???? I’m just kinda fed up. It’s so hurtful when I did nothing to her. My Mother in law (I call her my mom) is kinda fed up with her actions since too.