My mother, heartbroken rant.

I have no idea what I am going to do about my mother, today she informed me that I am a horrible selfish person because i don’t want a lot of people in the hospital when the baby is born. She said I am going to offend all of these people who buy me nice gifts, and how dare not allow them to come. I also told her that I don’t think I want anything posted about me going into labor until the baby is out and born, she told me there is absolutely no way that I won’t post that you are in labor, you can’t tell me I am not allowed to do that. I am going to do that. She was going on and on about how I need to stop being so selfish and that it is not all about me, that it is completely normal to have loads of people in the waiting room. She is going to need them for support. They are her friends not mine. I just am so sad and heartbroken. I feel like I am crazy.