Just need to vent

Been trying to get pregnant my period is way late anymore. But the birth control I was on last month it was supposed to make me skip on periods but I stopped it in the middle of the pack. But ever since I’ve tried every birth control in the last 3 years because my body kept fighting it. I’m worried now I can’t get pregnant. My daughter will be 3 this year. I’m ready for another baby and it’s hurting me that so far there’s nothing and I go to my obgyn next week to talk to her about it. I just know I have cysts also so I’m worried those are what are keeping me from getting pregnant. I just got tired of seeing the negative results each time and I beat myself up for it. Birth control has destroyed my body and I will never get back on it again. Just needed to vent this because it’s holding my mind hostage. 😢😢😞😞🥺🥺😭😭