Parents with children who have Autism?

Hey everyone. I don’t know much about autism, but I have been very concerned that my son may be on the spectrum for a couple months now. He has ALOT of the signs, however when I asked the doctor he told me he was fine because hes loving, and very good at making direct eye contact. My question is, is this the same for every autism child? My son mostly loving, but that’s the only symptom he doesn’t have. He flaps his hands, walks on his tippy toes, lines up all his cars, will throw fits out of nowhere which I know is normal but the way he does is different. He will not quit until he gets his way. He’s really only loving towards me and his dad and people he sees everyday. He cries and cries when we go into public if it’s to loud unless he has his tablet. He’s two and still is only saying, mama dada and car. I’m still being told he doesn’t all because he can make eye contact... should I really just avoid these other signs?