Help for a struggling mom


I’m asking this for my co coworker who has a one month old. She is currently breastfeeding and really does not want to use formula, and her son will feed for about 10-15 minutes before starting to pacify and fall asleep. Now she will feed him and burp him and get him to sleep and when she sets him down, he will sleep for maybe only 20-30 minutes before waking up angry with the hiccups and its an almost constant thing. The only thing she can find in research is to feed again to get rid of the hiccups and this baby will NOT take a pacifier. So if any of you super experienced moms in dealing with this kind of issue have any advice I can give her please do!! I can see it’s starting to bring out PPD in her and I want to help any way that I can. Also she is trying to come back to work full time and has to bring him with her due to no babysitter (work is ok with it) and she is struggling to get her work done while dealing with an extremely fussy baby. Any help is appreciated, please no hateful comments