Trying to be happy for my friend. Edit at the end

Em • Mummy to an angel 👼🏻 ,a little boy Jamie Ross 👶🏻💙, pregnant with our second rainbow baby 🌈 after a chemical pregnancy

Since my friend told me she was pregnant from her first month of trying, I have struggled. My husband and I have been trying for 4 years with one miscarriage at 18 weeks.

I feel like every day I have to remind myself how happy I am for her. I decided to do something special for her to show how happy I am for her, so I made a quilt for her little boy.

Edit: I gave it to her today. She said that it’s the best gift she has received. She couldn’t stop thanking me. I’m so glad she likes it.

Edit: thank you every one for the love and kind words of hope ❤️. My husband and I have started fertility treatments again, so hopefully soon we will have our own little one soon.