Does this sound right, what could this be ?


I trust my doctor a lot and love her to bits but this just doesn’t make sense to me. Today I went to the rest room and there was dark red blood (about a quarter size) so I called my doc to check what to do and we got scheduled to come in at 1:15 (we already had an appointment at 1:45) We got there and they ran a urine test to check on my kidneys and eliminate a kidney infection or UTI and all is well. About 20 minutes of being in the room my doctor walks in and does my normal check and said all is well but she hadn’t gone over my lab results so I asked her, she didn’t even know I had a lab drawn or why. So I told her When i peed there was blood and a ive been having bad side and abdominal pain. She asked why they didn’t send me to labor and delivery for monitoring and was clearly pissed about it and pulled up my lab results and everything was prefect. So I kept asking if It was something with my placenta or cervix (I wasn’t given a ultrasound because the blood was continuous and wasn’t a lot) and she she said she thinks because my baby is so big that my body is starting to prepare for birth and the blood was from my pelvis starting to shift but I’m only 32 weeks so this doesn’t make sense to me, does that mean I’m going into labor soon? I just feel like this answer was so random and doesn’t make sense but I’m a first time mom and clueless 😂has anyone experienced something like this?

Along with the blood and side and abdomen pain my baby hasn’t been moving as much (but still moving quite a bit, be doesn’t kick it’s more of a pushing which I assume is because he’s running out of room), pelvic pain and pressure and pain in my vagina .