I need a break (warning: venting)

My husband is out of town for work until March 1 so I am taking care of my 3 bonuskids full time on my own. I don’t mind, I love them dearly. Their mom was getting them every other weekend but failed a drug test so her visitation has dropped to 2 hours a week supervised. Planning that 2 hours a week is a whole other job in and of itself.

I just want 5 minutes to myself. 5 minutes where I don’t have to hear my name being called and stupid questions being asked (and honestly the stupid questions happen more at work than with the kids). 5 minutes where I don’t have a dog barking to be let out or in. 5 minutes where I don’t have the cat in my face or waking me up when I’ve finally fallen asleep.

I love my life, but I am just so stressed and frustrated these past couple of days. I don’t know if it’s just normal frustration and stress or if being 27 weeks pregnant is making it worse or what.

I cant talk to my husband about it because he feels bad enough leaving us for a month. Plus he’s working a cruise ship so he doesn’t have consistent service and ability to talk to us, so I don’t want to take up our time talking being a negative Nancy.

I just want a break.