I feel less of a woman


Me and my husband have been TTC for the past year now after my IUD removal.(removed due to implantation, but doc says all was good for babies) I recently went to the doctor and while they haven’t done a biopsy to confirm it, she thinks I may have endometriosis. Since I haven’t gotten pregnant I started to worry I may not be ovulating right or even at all. Ovulation tests say otherwise though. My real issue is that I don’t feel like a woman because I don’t feel I can get pregnant or because I haven’t yet. We have been at it like rabbits for a year and I’ve spend hundreds on pregnancy tests. (Sometimes 3-4/month) you would think after the first or second negative I would give up but I try to tell myself they are wrong and hope for a positive answer. I’ve been so let down by my body and it’s embarrassing to me to be so excited in front of my husband and take these tests just to have nothing. My husband is so supportive and tells me when it’s time it’s time and god will bless us, but I know it let’s him down too. We have also tried conceive plus fertility lubricant and the conceive plus vitamins, we have tried the couples prenatal and fertility support vitamins from one a day, and now I’m currently taking inositol and vitex fertility vitamins. I do believe the inositol and vitex have helped in making my periods regular and my ovulation regular. I forgot to mention until the two months of this new fertility vitamin my periods were irregular and constantly late. I just keep praying and hoping each month will be my month. In December I thought for sure I was pregnant and when I got my period I had a mental break down. I just really in that moment felt like a failure of a woman. I’m going to keep hoping and praying and taking my vitamins though. It’s all I can do. I’m due to ovulate this week and I would live nothing more than a November baby from some valentine’s day baby dancing. I pray this is my month. The thought that it may not be hurts my heart.