☆♡☆♡Baby Jaxson ♡☆♡☆

Had an appointment today at 11:50, 2-3centimeters dilated, 75%thinned out, had high levels of protein in my urine, blood pressure was 149/101 an hour later it had gone up to 159/108 and kept elevatin, I was diagnosed with pre eclampsia and was sent to be induced, around 3:30 was started on induction meds and had my water broken, made it to 4centimeters pretty quick, had an epidural which wasnt at all as bad as i expected, my amazin held my hand through it and coached me all the way, not long after that I was checked and had already made it to 6centimeters, not to long after that I was checked again because I had complained about feelin pressure and needin to potty lol and I was already ready to push! 6hours of labor, pushed for 25minutes and had my beautiful little baby, Jaxson Karter Moore♡♡ 6lbs, 9oz, 18in., I've never been so happy in my entire life, I love him to pieces and feel like his daddy is the best thng that ever happened to me, he held my hand throughout labor and kissed my forehead and told me I was okk when I thought I couldn't keep pushin, jax and I are so lucky to have him to take care of us, my two favorite men in life and I couldn't imagine it bein any different, I feel so amazin, I had some minor tearing also and had to have some stitches but my pain meds block that out so I can focus on my special little man, him and his daddy are sleepin at the moment, it's so peaceful and theres so many feelins i cant even explain but its so worth every single thng that went on, healthy and amazin♡☆♡☆♡☆