Still struggling

I had my miscarriage on 1/21. I was a little over 6 weeks along. It was my first pregnancy. My husband and I hadn’t been trying for long but I am struggling with trusting my body to get pregnant again and with a healthy pregnancy.

And I feel like it hasn’t really gotten easier. As each week passes, I think to myself how far along I would be.

I am also a nurse in labor & delivery and struggle with that along having a ton a coworkers that are also pregnant. I see all their cute little pregnant bellies and I am so incredibly happy for them but I am jealous that I am not watching mine grow as well. Most days I leave work, I get into my car and bust into the tears that I’ve been fighting to hold in all day.

I am extra emotional today because AF showed up for the first time after my miscarriage. I feel like this should be getting easier, just looking for some support.