Worst Valentine’s Day ever....

My first Valentine’s in a relationship and married... every year I get stood up or dumped. This year I’m married with a baby on the way and nothing has changed... I have been taking about Valentine’s Day for months now cause I have always wanted a valentine even tho it’s a stupid holiday it’s just something I have wanted. Last year my husband stood me up so he promised me this year would be different... he booked a hotel for the 15th and told me I would get a big teddy bear and cake and stuff. Anyways he told me a few nights ago instead of the hotel we get a new tv. I didn’t wanna say yes but I felt bad cause I didn’t get him much of a gift so I said yes plus we’re going to Florida in a few weeks. Anyways he told me he take me out to dinner but he’s not letting me get cake and chocolate covered strawberries ( somthing I crave pregnant but not ever aloud to get cause apparently it will make me fat) now that’s Valentine’s Day here I got him a nice beard set and had rose petals all up the stairs and in bed for when he got home for work . He was somewhat happy with that. But I noticed a weird red mark on his shoulder when we were getting intimate... kinda like a hickey. It hurt me when I seen it but I didn’t know forsrure so I blew it off and just smiled and went on . Next I decided to make him a big pork chop dinner while he plaid his new game I got him. The entire day he made rude comments to me and just said mean things . Like if I even commented on his game he would say a rude comment. Just the little things . So I cleaned house and finsished up dinner and went and now laying in my bed hurt ... I cooked him dinner had rose petals ... gave him sex... and all I got was mean comments ... not even a thank you or a happy Valentine’s Day... nothing ... I can’t tell if I’m just emotional cause of my pregnancy or what but I can’t stop crying .... he decided to sleep on the couch .... I just feel so depressed.... I’m giving him everything he wants and all I can think about is if he still loves me or anything ....