Should I contact my fertility clinic?

I thought I had such a good chance of getting pregnant last month. I did follicle tracking, I was on my 10th month of Letrozole, I did the ovulation trigger shot, my husband and I had sex when we were supposed to, and for the first time, I took progesterone vaginal suppositories. I was told that they could delay your period, and might stop your period altogether, until you stop taking them. So, I was horrified when my period was 3 days late, it was the night before my pregnancy test at the fertility clinic, I was taking my progesterone regularly, and then I started bleeding neon pink. There were no cramps, but I stopped the progesterone, and ended up bleeding light-medium for 5 days. Now, around 7 days after the bleeding started, I keep getting positive pregnancy tests. I started inquiring a couple days ago about adoption, since we have a long wait for <a href="">ivf</a>, so I just don't want to seem like a lunatic to the fertility clinic. Do you think I could still be pregnant?

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