How to get ready after swim class with a 6 month old

emmanuelle • Mom of 33w preemie growing stronger each day!

So I've been thinking of doing an aqua stroller class but am waiting for my little one to have better head control. For anyone that has done w mommy and me pool activity, I'm wondering how to deal with the "afterwards" in the locker room. It seems a little strange to me, but how will I be able to shower, and wash him, dry us both off, change into my dry regular clothes, as well as change him into dry clothes, dry my hair (it's winter) all the while having to hold the baby!? Do you put him down while you shower? If so, into what? I could bring a rocker chair, but then it will be all wet and will be one more thing to carry. Maybe I'm overthinking it, but it does seem a bit daunting.