With God's Grace and a Little Faith...


Earlier this month, I feel like God spoke to me and told me that my baby is coming this year. I believe so strongly that God has put this on my heart because it is going happen very soon.

I can take an early response test on Tuesday. I am praying that I see a second line on my test, and it gets gradually darker.

I am praying and I have many people praying for me. I have polycystic ovarian syndrome and I was able to ovulate on my own without medical intervention this past cycle. This has only happened once or twice in the past year-and-a-half.

I am having faith that I am pregnant right now and my child will be proof that with God, all things are possible and miracles really do happen.

Please, If you have a moment to say a quick prayer for me, it would mean so much.

God bless you!