Possibly pregnant

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Update: I took the test!


Hollie • Feb 19, 2019
Congratulations! It will work oout in the end trust me. I was 17 and had my little guy 18 and itd amazing. Hard. But he never stopped my track


Posted at
I don’t have that much advice right now , but take a test to see if you truly are pregnant . Take a couple of them for accuracy . No one can force you to have abortion , your body your choice . The only person that can decide that for you is yourself . Talk to the child’s father if the test is positive and decide from there . Is he in touch with his parents ? You can still go to school , you can start online classes or go to your local college . It’s a lot to take it so go easy on yourself .


Ceannice • Feb 17, 2019
I’m here for more advice If you need it


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Definitely find out if your pregnant or not first. As far as your parents reactions I’ll say this:I was 20 when I got pregnant with my first. I wasn’t married & I was just about to start a new job working full time w/ benefits. I was living with my grandparents & didn’t have a car. Even though I was in a much better place financially than my parents were I was still scared to tell them or my grandparents simply because I wasn’t married. I was very excited to have a baby & I didn’t want them to ruin that. I finally told my grandparents when I was about 5 months & they were probably more excited than I was. My dad was also excited, my mom wasn’t too thrilled at first (possibly because she had some personal things going on at the time) but eventually she came around & now loves her granddaughter. My point is, you’re an adult. No matter what you have or don’t have going on, you’re an adult woman. Don’t let other people’s opinions make you feel bad. Wether you’re happy about this potential baby or not, don’t let other people’s feelings disturb your own. 💜