

We are 1 in 10 women who suffer daily from Illness to miscarriages, to feeling unwanted and undesirable.

I have pcos yes I'm overweight no it is not because I sit around and eat junk all day, or even every day. No pcos was not caused by me being over weight. My pcos caused me to be over weight.

No I dont have children and will probably never experience a mothers love. Yes, I wish I could have children. No, I dont want your pity and no I am not lucky I dont have a period every month. But there is one thing at least I'm not alone.

I will have to try twice as hard to do things a normal female would like:

Create a life, lose weight, sleep, deal with anxiety and depression, keep my insulin levels low, and many many more issues that medicine cant help.

You may think that this cant or wont happen to you but it can happen to the people around you and it is a hard thing for females who suffer from it. Educate yourself and learn more about it. It is a common but then again rare disease that many women live with.

There is no cure but we are strong.