TTC 2years feeling lost

So where to begin... My husband and I have been trying to conceive for 2 years now with no joy. We have had some fatility test done my blood test result seem to be normal but my husbands sperm analysis came back showing a low count we are awaiting they results of his second test. During the two years we have been trying my sister has had a beautiful little boy and has her second child on the way, my bestfriend who alway thought she couldn't have children has announced she is expecting her first without even trying and everyone at work seems to be pregnant. I really want to be happy for them all but I am finding it so hard. Its not that I'm not happy for them but feel like it will never happen for us and non of my friend can understand this as they all have or are having children. Every time AF arrives I just want to cry as its another month I feel like we have failed at TTC no matter how much we BD. I'm trying to be strong for my husband as he feels it his fault and I keep telling him not to worry and it will happen when it's ment to but inside I'm scared it never will. We have spoken about <a href="">IVF</a> but are not sure we can afford it and at the moment we do not qualify for NHS <a href="">IVF</a> as my BMI is over 30 I am tireless try to lose weight eating healthy and exercising regularly but it never seems enough so now I feel like it's my fault we won't be able to try <a href="">IVF</a>. The NHS if I get my weight down only offer one cycle which seems like a shot in the dark. I just feel like it will never happen for us.

Thank you to anyone that takes the time to read this I just needed to get all this out some how.