
Hi ladies and gents,

I am at the point in my life where being a mother haunts my mind ALL day long. It is all I ever want. I’m very young (21) and I get this all the time. Live life. Enjoy it while you can. Blah blah. People, I understand that. But I’m not everyone. My life is incomplete without my other half. I can still enjoy life while being a mother. I don’t party, I don’t drink, I don’t do anything now that I would miss out on when I do have a kid. I’m in the Army, and college. I know the question is, how will I have time? The same way you have time working a job and going to school. Yes, I have backup people to watch my child when I deploy. Everything is thought out and covered. Finances are good. Career is good. Everything is fine.

However, I AM SINGLE. Most ladies on here have trouble getting pregnant, but they also have partners. The very first step. I don’t have a partner at all. Even if I did start dating someone today, I doubt I would want to start trying with them within the next month, or so. It’s like, I want to be pregnant NOW. But how? It will take a while for the next person to want to try with me, considering a new relationship. And the only way I can fulfill my timeline without falling into a depressive state is if I have one now. So I thought about adoption, but I know the process is soooo long and hard. How does one get started? Do I even meet qualifications?

I know most agencies want married couples, older, and etc.

What do I do?


I’m not thinking about marriage at all. Far as I’m concerned, I don’t want to ever. Not even sure if I want to date anymore or anytime soon. I’m tired of being hurt and thrown around. I know my baby will never leave me, as easy as a man would. I’m tired of the heartbreak. So being a single mother is fine with me. I have a good support system for as family and friends. That’s all I need.