I’m so scared!


So I took several pregnancy tests over the weekend...they all came back positive. I was so excited! I went in for a blood test today to confirm the pregnancy. But before I even went in for the test, I went to the restroom & noticed I was bleeding. The blood test ended up coming back positive. They said my HCG was great. It was 1017. My progesterone was awesome as well. Buuuuuttt...I’m still having light bleeding and cramps. They told me there is not much they can do until I take another blood test to see if my numbers continue to raise.

Ya’ll I am terrified. I went through a miscarriage back in October & it was devastating. Idk how I will get through another one, if this is another one.

I am praying it’s not. Idk how I’m going to get through the next couple of days. I just keep praying that everything is alright & the bleeding won’t get heavier. But damn, I’m soooo scared.