TTC after nexplanon?? Anyone else been there?


Try for #1

So my nexplanon was taken out six weeks ago.. my cycle still has not returned. I never had a cycle while on it so I understand it might take a while, but I mean it’s already been SIX weeks!

I took a pregnancy test 4 days ago after I had experienced some spotting (6 days prior to the test) , slight nausea, fatigue & bloating. BFN. I’m kind of bummed but I also understand it’s not going to happen over night.

The last few days I’ve been slightly dizzy, still fatigued & I get nauseous in the middle of the night so my sleeping is a mess! I have not thrown up heavily, but I do slightly throw up or get super nauseous if I eat an apple. (It’s only happened 3 times so I stopped eating apples... lol)

‼️‼️ I’m just wondering if anyone else has been where I am?

How long until you got your cycle back?

How long did it take you to conceive?

Below is a calendar for reference.

1/8 nexplanon removal

1/30 first day without protection (my husband & I said we would wait until I got my cycle back on track to try for a baby but then didn’t want to wait anymore)

2/6 what I think was implantation bleeding BUT it could have also been bleeding caused by sex. I never bleed after sex though, at least not that I can remember.

2/14 First Response pregnancy test, BFN

Side note: I don’t think I’ve had any CM in about 2 weeks.. at least that’s when I noticed. Don’t know if that matters.

I have to get blood work done sometime this week so I’m going to ask them to do a pregnancy test as well & try to get an appointment with my OB.

ANY ADVICE IS WELCOMED. Google makes me paranoid & I would love real women experiences.