Welcome to the world Josiah 💙

Alyssa • Mommy to Josiah 💙

Born 2/16/2019 @5:10PM weighing 8lbs 3oz and 20 inches long 💙

I woke up that morning at 7:30 AM with contractions coming every 4 minutes, I lasted two hours before heading to the hospital and being admitted at 10:13 AM.

I was 5 cm dilated and by then my contractions were coming every 2 minutes. I progressed to 6cm by 12 and by 1 I was 7cm and I asked for an epidural. I spent the next couple of hours stuck, baring through the horrendous pain because they wanted to give me an extra drip because my blood pressure is already naturally low and they didn’t want to risk anything for me and baby.

Jokes on me though because the moment the epidural was administered, before it even took effect, my water broke and I transitioned from 7cm to 8cm and then 9cm and finally 10cm without giving my body any time to really adjust. My boyfriend and his mom had to to call in the midwife and on call doctor because I was ready to push.

I was a huge baby about it. This being my first pregnancy, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I near hyperventilated and the midwife had a nurse grab a paper bag for me just in case. The midwife ended up being my Hail Mary and talked me down from my breathing and in a whopping 16 minutes I was holding my baby boy on my chest.

I had 2nd degree tears but I’m healing well ❤️