Newborn baby doesn’t want to breast feed anymore


Hi all, FTM and I had my son last Thursday. He has really taken well to breastfeeding and the pediatrician in the hospital was really impressed with the little amount of weight he lost. I did ask the hospital to show me how to use a pump because I didn’t know and a lot more came out than I expected. My milk came in before I left the hospital and I’ve been breastfeeding and it’s going fine...I think every diaper we’ve changed has had poop in it and pee, although with pee it’s a little harder to tell because he has the gauze on from circumcision (please no judgment).

Anyways, yesterday/last night was horrendous and he will not breastfeed at all anymore. I did have to end up pumping a little and giving it to him in a bottle because I didn’t know what else to do, I was so afraid that he wasn’t eating. He cries that he’s hungry and makes the feeding cues, but he will not latch and gets so pissed off and screams and screams. It is so terribly frustrating and honestly scary - I have an appointment with the pedi/lactation consultant tomorrow but I’m going to call them today because I’m panicking and don’t know what to do. I’m scared somethings wrong 😞