I am at a loss

KK • A busy momma of 4 👶🏼. who works hard 💉. Is a travel feen. loves ☕️ , 💪🏼 🏋🏼‍♀️and her 2 😻. While loosing sleep to spend endless hours on glow. 💁🏼‍♀️

My brother is an addict. Heroine is his drug of choice but he generally uses anything. Meth, coke, crack. He’s even huffed cleaners, aerosol cans etc. he has over dosed a few times and been in the hospital. He’s done this for the past 12 years basically since he was in high school. He’s been really bad for about 7 years. He’s homeless, can’t keep a job, doesn’t have money, has been in and out of jail. Last January 2018 he went to jail and was put on probation if he agreed to complete a 6 month rehab program. Which he did. He got out in October and was good for two months or so before he started hanging out with the same people. At first I was taking him to all of his appointments. Then all of a sudden he would say he had a ride with these “friends” who were getting clean also. I’m pretty sure that’s when he stopped getting the vivitrol shot, stoped going to meetings, to counseling and probation. I’m so confused bc he had help. I was willing to help him. He can’t live with me because I have children and my husband hates what he’s done to all of us. But I was willing to help and take him to everything. 2ish weeks ago I talked to him and he seemed high so I asked him, and I offered to get him help. He lied to me and said he couldn’t believe I would ask him such a thing that I’m suppose to be his best friend blah blah blah. Well now he’s back in jail. For God knows what, and I’m just over it. He asked my mom to tell me to unblock the jail number, that he’ll be honest and tell me everything. But I’m just so over it. I love him he’s my best friend but I just can’t anymore. I don’t have anything left to give. He didn’t care to tell me anything two weeks ago, I feel like he’s just manipulating everyone because he doesn’t have his drugs or his friends anymore. I’m over helping someone who doesn’t want or deserve the help. I feel like if he wanted to get healthy he would try like hell! I know relapsing happens but I also know that people are responsible for their actions and if he wanted to get help he would have. He is so determined to find drugs when he doesn’t have any so why can’t he be determined to get clean?? Is it because he doesn’t want to? He is never honest. Especially about his addiction which leads me to believe he really doesn’t care and he doesn’t want to try. He says that he has no cravings and he’s strong enough. He’s not honest about his struggle. I just don’t know what to do. He’s my brother but I feel like he’s a lost cause. I feel like he’s not going to get clean because he doesn’t want to. I feel like his time is running out and he’s going to die. I just don’t know what to do. I feel so alone I feel helpless. I want to help him but I can’t.