Measuring small then not then I am?


So I originally went with reduced movements and then got sent for a growth scan as the tape measure was abit small of my stomach ... had the scan at 33 w and my baby was 4lb 1oz anyway this was abit small so they sent me away for 2 weeks then back for another scan so I was 35 w and he measured (diff woman measuring lit took 1 min to do this scan for me, I was late for my apt so she was pissed off im sure) yeah so the baby was then measuring according to her 5lb 7oz I though wow he’s shot up - I look no bigger really I was shocked ! Then went for my midwife apt today at 36 w and she measures with the tape and says I’m 32” and small again and is going to get me back next week to measure and if not bigger another growth scan .... so I’ll be like 38 w then anyone else have this problem? I’m pretty sure the woman at the second scan was pissed off and measured wrong I just hope they aren’t missing stuff which should of been seen before but letting it continue 🤷🏽‍♀️ they’re gunna book me in for another scan after the next apt just seems to be a lot of beating around the bush ! 🙄