Potty Saga! 9 days into potty training

Pen • 8/17 🌈👧🏼 | 11/19 🌈👦🏼| 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Anyone successfully gotten over holding during potty training? We’ve been working at it going on five days now and my daughter is TOO GOOD at holding her pee and poop. She will hold it until she absolutely can’t anymore (usually about 90 mins to 2 hours) and then only maybe half the time she goes to the potty. We had one day (day three) that went really well and she went on the potty more often than not, but then day four she was back to holding and peeing on the floor (or worse, on our floor cushions. Or on our laps 😭). She obviously has the physical capability to hold it, and I believe, given her leg crossing and potty dancing, that she KNOWS she needs to go, but she’s generally refusing to do it on the potty. She knows what the potty is for. She points at it and says “poop” and “tee”(pee). She knows what poop is. She LOVES taking the pee from her potty chair to dump it into the big toilet. Any suggestions to get her to stop holding and just go are appreciated!

Update: it’s day 6 with no diapers (except overnight, we’re not worrying about night training for a loooooong time) and I think we just needed to give it more time. Today she’s had only one total pee accident, two mishaps where she didn’t sit far back enough on the potty and got some pee on the floor in front of the potty, and one poop on the floor (she’s generally reluctant to poop on the potty, but we’ll get there). She’s peed probably about 8 times today, three times since she got up from her nap about 3 hours ago. She’s taken herself to the potty pretty much every time. She does NOT like being told what to do! So I’m just going to leave her pantsless for a while longer. We’re home all the time so it’s not really a bother, and she has so far stayed dry if we go out for a couple hours right after a pee. Next we deal with poops and success with pants on!! I’m thinking we’re going to take about a month, maybe six weeks until we get it fully done.

Update: day 7 now and she’s had only one accident and been to the potty about 15 times today! It’s 8pm so we probably won’t get too many more before bedtime. I’m so amazed at her improvement! Still doing bare butt and she takes herself potty every time. We need to get to work on having her tell me when she needs to go so that she can wear pants again!!

Update: we’re a full week in now and she’s doing awesome. She’s still having a little difficulty with poops but pooped twice today, once in the potty, once standing right next to the potty, so it’s obvious she knows that’s where poop goes. I’m feeling really positive!

Update: Day 9 today- we went out for two hours and got her to use the travel potty while we were at target! We have a folding travel potty and we took her to the family restroom near the pharmacy at target and put it on the floor. It took two trips to the bathroom (the first time she didn’t go) but she peed in public! Stayed completely dry the rest of the time and seemed to be having fun. I’m so proud!! 😍