I’m done 😞

So Saturday I found out my 3 YO has the flu (yay). I was at the hospital from 11-4 that day.

Sunday rolls around and my dad is super sick (I assume flu because he didn’t get his shot), he’s miserable and in bed. So I take Monday off work to care for him and my son. I take my dad to his dr, they tell him he has the flu.

(I am currently between my dads house and fiancés house because we are house hunting) so I decide to stay at my dads when I’d normally be at my fiancé’s because I know he needs me right now. At my dads there are my 2 bros and one of them has a friend that basically lives there (they are 19 & 20 and don’t work or contribute anything). So I’m busy disinfecting the house, washing stuff, doing dishes, buying and cooking meals, tending to my son and father, I’m also 13+2 weeks pregnant. Yesterday I went to the store and bought food for everyone. Enough for 6 people in the house, and then I get told by my bro and his friend that they aren’t eating there they’re going out. Are you fucking serious? I make shit pay as it is. Buying food the past couple days has left me with $70 until Monday. And I still need drink/food for the work week.

I’m tired, so so tired.

I came back to work today (Tuesday) and my body is weak and I keep getting dizzy spells, I’m nauseous. I just don’t have the energy to be here. And to top it all off, my fiancé is saying he feels sick now and he’s been complaining since the minute he woke up about. “I’m hungry” “i need to puke” “I’m hungry” yada yada....

I’m done. I just want to lay down and rest. I can’t stop crying.

Sorry it’s so long but I need to vent.