Just need to Rant❗️ not sure what to do


So the guy I had a baby with is married and no he didn’t tell me I sadly found out on my own! Well our daughter is about to be 10 months old in couple days. I reached out to his family when our daughter was 3-4 months old and told his wife about our daughter and she lives in another country while he lives here in Texas and he travels back and forth. Well he is on child support and always wanted me to update him about our daughter and send pics and sometimes he will go a month without asking about her then pop back up! when his wife told him to have no contact with me or our daughter or she will run away with their 2 kids but he does anyways, but sometimes I just want him to stay out of her life if he isn’t going to be able to come see her when she is only 2 half hours away but wants me to update him and I offer for him to come to her 1st birthday but he will not because of his wife and I doubt she knows he pays child support also. Sometimes I want to reach out to her but then again it’s not my place. It’s just so stressful him messaging me but will not come see our daughter because of her but if I was in her shoes I would understand but then again it’s not right.