Please don't judge.

My husband is abusive and last night, it happened again. My brother-in-law told us to leave each other alone so I went to our room as my husband was in the living room. I told him to leave me alone like his brother had said but he wouldn't, but he kept coming in and stood in the doorway so I couldn't get out. I managed to shut the door a few times but then he just came back in. In the end, I got past him and went down to the games room where my brother-in-law was. By this point I was having a panic attack and in tears... And the minute he saw me, he came over and hugged me, and sat with me talking about random crap until I calmed down. Then he distracted my with one of my favorite video games.

I just feel like I have so much more in common with my brother-in-law, he understands me and really looks out for me. This has happened a few times now and he's always there for me. With my husband, I constantly feel like I'm walking on eggshells, trying everything not to set him off. Its not like that with my brother-in-law. I enjoy being with him and can be myself completely. I'm starting to think I'm falling in love with him but I don't know what to do. Please don't tell me just to leave my husband because abusive relationships arent that easy to leave. 😭😭