

I had a positive blood test on January 18th. Today February 20th i had my first prenetal visit. Had to get a vaginal ultrasound yo figure out my time since my 3 periods where so weird before getting a positive test. Well the doctor was taking for ever to tell me anything so i knew something was wrong. He then showed me my uterus and you could bearly see something almost like faded he said it looked like what vould be the yolk sack but he could no see no fetus. I haven't had any bleeding or weird discharge. Has anyone had something similar like this happen before? This would be my 3rd child and I've never had any problems in the past. I was in and iud for 7 years before trying to get pregnant. I took me about 6 months to get pregnant. I will be going back for another vaginal ultrasound in 10 days to see any changes.