Symptoms of pregnancy??

The Mrs.

Ok so I started feeling some cramping and overall pretty sure I ovulated sometime from the 10th to the 12th. My husband and I got busy on the 12th. On the 16th I had weird cramps all day, at some points they became very sharp iv never experienced cramps like these let alone having cramps or a cycle without progesterone. That night my breasts started hurting, mainly my nipples. The next day cramping let up for the most part but breasts continued. Late that night I got very nauseous out of nowhere. Next day breasts felt heavy and nipples felt about the same.. My face has been flushed most the day today but my breasts feel better and have been having small cramps almost like pulling. Since the 12th my nipples have been hard almost 24/7. Is most of this just me overthinking everything? Or are these signs of pregnancy. Iv never experienced these things before so I'm a bit thrown off.