Opinions rock, so I'm looking for some!😀

I am not surrounded by friends or family that can take my pics. And, despite his attempts, my honey always ends up getting shots of me blurred or looking goofy, lol

And most of our stuff is in storage while we make a big transition with life so my nice mirrors aren't handy which means the super cheap one I don't care about isn't ideal for good shots.

So, with it being 20 weeks along now and I'm FINALLY showing a bit, I wanted to take pics.

I set up a timer and got in front of the camera for once, and posed.

I didn't document my pregnancy with my first, it makes me sad to look back on that and it was all because I had no self esteem. I don't want to go through that again with this one.

I see a lot of honesty and support on here and was hoping for some of it.

This pic I had to really push to show, LOL

But I like how it came out...

Your opinions are appreciated!!♡