Faint positive tests then period 😐 Help


So my period was due last Saturday, I've done 4 tests and all have very faint positive lines, the top test I got my man to do just cause I thought maybe the tests were duds or something lol but his one came back full nothing so it was obvious mine were coming back positive.. yesterday I had some brown blood come out which I read up on and that can be normal, this morning I wake up and went to the lou and it's like my period started, quite a lot of red blood plus clotty but only really when I go toilet.. usually I have real real bad cramps but I dont have any cramps as such only like a stomach ache if that.. very confused as to what's going on. My period is very on time every month so for it to be a week late is odd and having faint positive tests makes me feel confused. Has anyone had similar experiences..?