First ultrasound didn't go as planned


My first ultrasound didn't go as planned and I'm just maybe needing some reassurance. We were trying for this baby for over 1 1/2 years and I knew with my irregular periods my dates would likely be off. As of my last period I would have been 11 weeks and 2 days but it took them forever to find baby and they seemed worried at first. Brought in another doctor and she was able to find baby but my uterus was tilted making it more difficult and I was only measuring 9 weeks. They could see the baby moving and the heart fluttering but couldn't pinpoint the heart with the machine for me to be able to hear it and quite frankly I didn't get to see baby really at all once they had the concerns because it was faced to them afterwards. My mom and sister said it was definitely moving in there and the doctors didn't seem worried afterwards but I can't help but feel hopeless about this now 😔 anyone have a story like this?