Need advice


Hey January ladies,

Hoping you could help me and provide some advice. This is long (sorry in advance!)

My 5 week old has been feeding every hour/ hour and a half for 3 weeks now. My obgyn told me that was “the norm” and should subside in a few weeks. He does this all night too.

I recently went to see my family dr to complete an intake of the baby. The dr told me I was over-feeding him because he has put on a pound a week, and I should force him to wait until the 3 hour mark. Well all he does is scream and cry and nothing I do can console him until he gets the boob. I tried this for a week and just gave up and decided to continue to feed him on demand when he cues. He is exclusively breast fed (I also didn’t realize you could overfeed a breastfed baby!??)

Also, he refuses to nap anywhere other than on someone’s chest. He also feeds to go to sleep. I have tried to change these patterns but he just cries and cries and cries. He ends up sleeping on me sometimes durning the night as this is the only way we will both get some rest.

I’m exhausted. I’m tired of being used as a pacifier for everything. I know he uses me to soothe...and I’m afraid he isn’t getting enough sleep because he’s so finicky about it. He doesn’t take a pacifier well no matter how much I force it. I even try to fake it as a nipple by placing it on me...but he’s smart.

I’m terrified I will have a bigger problem on my hands at 3,4,5 months of age, I’m scared I won’t be able to break these habits.

Can anyone lend some advice??