Should I feel offended??

So, its not a very big deal, I am due in April and I feel like my MIL and FIL are not very happy that I am having a girl.. we live together in joint family. I feel like may be they don’t feel connected or love my baby as much as they love their grandson, who is the son of their daughter (my SIL). He is 2 years old, and he is mostly grown up in our house than on his home, as my MIL kept inviting my SIL to our house because they want to spend time with their grandson, and as our houses are close by, she lived in our home more than she did in her own home. Okay, that’s enough of my back story, I love my nephew though. The problem is When I conceived the baby, everyone was happy but everyone expected it to be son, not daughter 🙄. In my gender reveal, everyone took boy side, and I was little heart broken that nobody thought/ wanted it to be a girl. But guess what, its a girl and I and my hubby we are happy about it, everyone cheered but I could feel my MIL was little upset about it. Now, its few left week for my daughter’s arrival and we are having everything set up for her, but my In laws are not offering to buy or gift anything to my daughter. Everyone bought gifts for her, my relatives, close friends. They asked what we wanted and all.. but my In laws are quiet till now. Its not that we can’t afford to give everything to our daughter by ourselves, but I expected them to think or buy some gifts for her as well. As they cannot stop giving gifts to their grandson. They keep giving money to my SIL secretly, as their financial condition is not as strong as ours, and okay that’s fine.. its their money so if they want to give it to their daughter it’s okay. But they also buy gifts, or give mobey to her to buy something for grandson, quite often. They recently gave 800 dollors just to buy gold bracelet for my nephew. But they don’t say anything or offer to buy anything to my daughter. We have bought all the big and small stuffs for our baby, and they don’t even ask, what should they gift her?? Not even one outfit or a blanket? I just want them to love her and be excited about her as they are for my nephew. But, I feel like may be its a girl so they are not so much intrested in her or love her. My own parents are in another country, very faar away, but they are very excited about mybaby. My parents already sent some gifts, like outfits and jwellery for her. But my in laws are not that intrested or excited for her. May be I am over reacting/ thinking.. but

One of my friend who is also a distant relative of ours, (who lives close by) is also pregnant and her in laws are so excited for her. Her in laws gave so many gifts to her, from baby outfits to bassinets, gold jwellery etc. and her parrents are coming to visit her in delivery too.. I feel so jealous of her. I wish my parents were in United States too.

Am I over thinking?? Should I feel offended?? Is my pregnancy hormones making be bitchy? Lol 😆. Who would feel the same?? If they continue to behave differently with my daughter after she is born, I will definitely talk with them.