Is this a miscarriage?

My boyfriend and I had sex but our condom broke so we took an off brand morning after pill (Econtra One Step) and hoped for the best. I couldn’t find any reviews online of people experiences with this pill so I didn’t know what to expect at all. I was cramping a couple days before my period and really bad the night I got it which is not normal for me at all, I usually have little to no cramps. When I finally got my period a few days late there was very little blood and it was a brownish color which is also not normal for the first day of my period. I went to sleep and when I woke up there was blood everywhere so I put in a tampon and went about my day. When it came time to change it, a clump of tissue stuck to my fingers

I thought it was just a blood clot at first but then I thought it was weird because I hardly notice blood clots especially not ones this big and of this color and consistency. When it first came out it was a greyish/brown color but as it dried and when I took the photo its more of a black/dark red. Because all of these symptoms are so different from what I normally experience it got me wondering if this was a miscarriage? If anyone could help me decipher if these are all just side effects of the mornin after pill or actually a miscarriage, that would help me a lot. Thank you all so much.