So having issues and need answers


So me and my soon too be ex husband we've been split up for over a yr now anyways we met up too go over our parenting plan stuff and then took it over too the lawyers office so after all that I ask this woman when after the divorce is done and over with how much would it be too get my name changed back too my maiden name she said I couldn't I would pretty much have too fight it and fight it even more if my soon too be ex husband says its okay but if we put it in the papers that I wanna go back too my maiden name and he decides he doesn't want it too then there is nothing I can do but fight him in court over it like really now I've been upset and pissed off all day and I've came close too just cussing that lady out like its a name there is a reason why I'm divorcing this man I don't want his damn last name like since when did they make this law

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What state do you live in? In California there was a place in the initial paperwork where I declared that I was going back to my maiden name. It probably depends on your state. I would look at the website and see what resources you have available to answer questions like this.


Ashley • Feb 26, 2019
I live in Tennessee the lawyer had told me all of this said she had a client that waited til after her divorce too get her maiden name back and she couldn't she had too fight like crazy because her ex didn't agree with it and that she told her that she should have put it in their papers she wanted it back that way but said but either way it went if the man doesn't agree with it then basically we're shit out of luck but I really don't think my ex will do that but then again I didn't think he would have done half the things he had done too me and our two children and my oldest daughter guess ill see when that time comes I guess