Progesterone level at 0.598!!!

I’m sooooook annoyed and mad at the world. At God.

Progesterone level is at 0.598 which means I did not ovulate. Doctor wanted it at 3+!

I’m so frustrated and hurt. Why?!?!?!?! Drug addicts and people who couldn’t care less about their children are friggin’ fertile and popping out babies left and right!

Read any news webpage and there’s at least two stories about some druggie parents paying zero attention to their babies! Babies dying from neglect! Babies dying from malnutrition!!!

No, I don’t want to adopt.

I’m just mad at this moment and need to vent.

I scheduled a “whats next appointment” and the next available appointment is in April!! APRIL!!! It’s February right now. Wasting a whole month! We’ve been trying from 2.5 years! I’m tired of waiting. I’m tired of getting my hopes up.

I’m just venting! If you have something mean to say, you can jump off this post. ✌🏼